
Ebbing Sounds: Program announcement

We are thrilled to share the program of Ebbing Sounds, an interdisciplinary symposium accompanied by concerts, that we are co-organizing.

Ebbing Sounds is an inter­disci­plinary sym­po­sium accom­panied by con­certs inves­ti­gating new ways of music pro­duction, music listen­ing and music cri­tique. As music access today is domi­nated by stream­ing for­mats mediated by industry dis­tri­butors and algo­rithm cu­ration, Ebbing Sounds explores how stream­ing shapes the spheres of music pro­duc­tion, music listening and music distri­bution. A group of inter­national artists, mu­sicians, theo­rists and sound stream­ing industry media­tors will be gathered to dis­cuss the formats and ma­teriali­ties of new emerging music and sound in the context of an algo­rithm-driven indus­try-audience re­lation­ship.

The opening reception and Swiss showcase on Thursday May 24 features a keynote speech by Eric Harvey [US; Pitchfork, Grand Valley State University] and live-sets by S S S S [CH; aufnahme + wiedergabe, Hallow Ground] and Bonaventure [CH; PTP, NON Worldwide].

On Friday May 25 there is a) the symposium taking place, featuring lectures by Inigo Wilkins [UK; Glass Bread], Kara-Lis Coverdale [CA; Umor Rex, Boomkat Editions], Lawrence English [AU; Room40, Touch], Ruedi Widmer [CH; ZHdK], James Hoff [US; PAN], and Curtis Roads [US; University of California], as well as a panel discussion, and b) a concert night featuring live-sets by Kara-Lis Coverdale [CA; Umor Rex, Boomkat Editions], Lawrence English [AU; Room40, Touch], James Hoff [US; PAN], and Curtis Roads [US; University of California].

On Saturday May 26, finally, another concert night featuring live-sets by Low Jack [FR; Editions Gravats, L.I.E.S., Modern Love], Don’t DJ [DE; Diskant, Berceuse Heroique], and Beast Nest [US; Ratskin], as well as a DJ-set by zwei­komma­sieben DJs [CH; Präsens Editionen] tops off the event.

Find out more about the program here and get your ticket(s) here.

Ebbing Sounds—key visual rectangle

Ebbing Sounds is being held from May 24th to May 26th, 2018 at Gray Area in San Fran­cisco. It’s orga­nized by zwei­komma­sieben in co­operation with mar­cella faust­ini, De­For­rest Brown Jr. and swiss­nex San Fran­cisco.

Ebbing Sounds is kindly supported by Pro Helvetia Schwei­zer Kultur­stiftung, Con­sulate Gene­ral of Cana­da, FON­DATION SUISA, Goethe-Ins­titut San Fran­cisco and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States.